City granted injunction against protesters blocking Marpole modular housing site

Dec 7 2017, 7:35 am

A court injunction has been granted to the City of Vancouver and BC Housing to prevent protesters from delaying the construction of the temporary modular housing development for the homeless in Marpole.

The Supreme Court of BC provided the injunction on Tuesday, just three days after the City and the provincial housing agency made the filing.

The injunction prevents protesters from blocking construction crews and trucks from accessing the site near the southwest corner of West 57th Avenue and Cambie Street. Under its terms, nobody can loiter on the streets or sidewalks adjacent to the development site or obstruct and prevent access.

#healthylifestyle – some Canadian residents were angry of the city prompt decision to approve 78 units of Temporary Module Home construction project for homeless people in their neighbourhood. About 2nd mayor term (8year)near ending, the mayor of the city want to promise to solve homeless issues in the city. injunction was issued to Marpole residents who rallied on the site and blocked construction vehicles entering. Marpole was not at first to reject mayor homeless project but he approved w/o residents public consultation. Policemen didn’t deliver the injection but city security staff. Policemen understood residents rights and allowed rally and left. Residents have found a lawyer to fight the disputes. Both sides behave peaceful expression of themselves. Taxpayers residents showing their determination in cold winter ☔️ fight for the city since the project approved. Construction trucks also won’t across entrance when residents 🚶 back forth. Is this the healthy way of living together? Peacefully express themselves. Wish you have healthy life everyday. #marpole #vancouver #construction #injunction #peaceful democratic

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The modular housing project, approved by City Council early last week, has ignited opposition from local residents and individuals concerned over the close proximity of the social housing development to nearby schools.

“We respect people’s rights to protest, but blocking the construction of much-needed housing for the homeless is not something the City can accept,” said Mayor Gregor Robertson in a statement.

“We’ve made the decision to proceed with this project very carefully. The City is listening to comments from the neighbourhood and working hard to resolve any concerns. We have dozens of social and supportive housing projects throughout Vancouver that are successful and I’m confident that this project will be too.”

The modular housing complex will consist of two buildings for 78 homeless residents, specifically for people who are 45 years and older and have mobility issues, chronic disease, or require additional assistance with day-to-day life. A non-profit housing operator selected by BC Housing will manage the complex 24/7.

The City originally scheduled an early-January 2018 completion, but due to the disruptions the residents may not be able to move into the units until much later.

These planned units at the Pearson-Dogwood site, owned by local developer ONNI, are part of the provincial government’s $66-million plan to build 600 modular housing units within Vancouver over the next two years. Vacant sites owned by the City and private groups are being scouted for these temporary housing developments.

Modular housing structures can be built in just a few weeks and at a small fraction of the cost of a conventional structure. These buildings can also be disassembled and reassembled at another site.

See also