Trudeau says the coronavirus pandemic "really sucks"

Oct 27 2020, 5:19 pm

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau didn’t mince words on Tuesday when speaking about his thoughts on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic – particularly now that Canada is in its second wave.

“We are in an unprecedented global pandemic that really sucks. It’s tough going through this second wave,” said Trudeau during a press conference. “It’s frustrating having shut down all of us – our lives through the spring – and now be forced to make more difficult choices, and and knowing that it’s going to be a tough winter ahead as well.”

It’s easy, he continued, “to want to throw up our hands. But I think we have to ask ourselves who we are as Canadians. Are we really good neighbours? Are we really people who care about the most vulnerable – about each other? I know we are.”

And while this “doesn’t mean were going to be perfect every step of the way, it does mean we have to continually remind ourselves to follow public health advice, but I know Canadians can get through this together,” said Trudeau. “We’ve seen a rise in cases here and there, we’ve also seen a flattening of the curve in other places [and] we know we can do this – we’ve done it before.”

Still, he continued, “we’re not all always going to be perfect. We’re going to have to rely on extraordinary frontline health workers, on community supports, on a government that – as we’ve said from the beginning – will continue to be there to support people. It’s the only way we’ll get through this. But we will get through this. Vaccines are on the horizon. Spring and summer will come and they will be better than this winter.”

In the meantime, “it’s frustrating to have to go through this situation,” he repeated. “This is really difficult. Nobody wanted 2020 to be this way.”

However, “we do get to control how bad it gets by all of us doing our part,” said Trudeau. “It’s a time where we need to do the right thing, we need to lean on each other, we need to use all the tools we can.”