A campus-wide snowball fight is being held at SFU Burnaby today

Feb 14 2019, 1:27 am

If you’re planning on making the commute up the mountain this morning, you may as well make it worth your while.

A Facebook event has been created for a campus-wide snowball fight at Simon Fraser University’s Burnaby campus.

Since being posted on Facebook, over 100 students have confirmed their attendance, with another 925 who will possibly be attending.

The event creator explains that the gathering will begin later today at the Terry Fox statue near the AQ pond at 10:45 am.

From there, participants will have 15 minutes to prepare snowballs ready and possibly form teams, with the festivities starting at 11 am.

UBC will also be hosting a campus-wide snowball fight, today at 12 pm. Their event will take place at the Main Mall near Martha Piper Plaza.

Anyone attending either event is reminded to dress warm and if possible, wear waterproof clothing.

See also

Campus-wide snowball fight at SFU

Where: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Campus – 8888 University Drive, Burnaby

Time: 10:45 am

When: Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Cost: Free of charge

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