Richmond installs traffic cameras at 110 intersections

Apr 28 2021, 5:13 pm

A total of 110 intersections within Richmond, accounting for over half of the intersections in this city, were recently outfitted with traffic safety cameras.

And the municipal government says these cameras will gradually come online over the coming weeks, starting today.

“Having video cameras at over half of Richmond’s intersections is an important road safety and traffic management initiative that will positively impact road users in Richmond,” said Mayor Malcolm Brodie.

“By providing the City more accurate data, traffic planning to increase safety and potentially mitigate vehicle congestion will increase.”

Each camera location will be activated only after notification signs indicating cameras are operating are also installed at the intersection.

The public and businesses can request for available video footage for up to 30 days for the purpose of assisting in the investigation of vehicle-related incidents.

Video footage can be requested within 20 days of the recording date, with footage purged after 30 days. The cost of the footage will be $375 plus GST and service charge per request through an online application on the city’s website.

According to the municipal government, the city is in compliance with the province’s privacy regulations, and the cameras will not collect video footage of a quality resolution that can identify facial or license plate data. Furthermore, the cameras will “not be used for generic surveillance or observation.”

Kenneth ChanKenneth Chan

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