Over 1,700 potential coronavirus violations reported to WorkSafe BC
Businesses and restaurants have reopened in the province amid the pandemic, and consumers can stay vigilant by reporting violations to WorkSafe BC.
According to WorkSafe BC, there have been 1,728 potential COVID-19 violations reported to their prevention information line as of July 3, 2020.
Of those, 334 orders for violating coronavirus safety measures were issued to businesses in the province, as a result of a province-wide inspectional initiative by WorkSafe BC.
- See also:
The highest number of violation orders — 104 — have been given out in the service sector, including hotels, restaurants, gyms, hospitals, schools, real estate, and hair salons.
Dr. Bonnie Henry says that there is potential for “explosive growth” in BC, and it’s up to British Columbians to control that.
As of July 3, 2020, WorkSafe BC has conducted 12,646 workplace inspections, some at random or unannounced.
To report any potential violations, visit the WorkSafe BC Prevention Information Line.