The iconic wooden coaster at the PNE is getting a major renovation

Aug 20 2021, 4:27 pm

The Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) has announced that their iconic wooden coaster will be closed for the remainder of 2021 as it undergoes what the fair is calling a major refurbishment.

In a statement, the PNE acknowledged that this news will be a major disappointment for ride enthusiasts, but they’re hoping that this decision means it will be ready for what they expect to be their possibly busiest year ever, in 2022.

The refurbishment isn’t related to any technical issue that appeared, but just an overall upgrade of the ride that is known to require frequent maintenance.

ā€œThe Wooden Coaster is one of the most highly maintained rides in the country, but as a living structure built from wood, we must undertake regular maintenance prior to the opening of the park each year,ā€ says PNE spokesperson Laura Ballance.

The project is expected to be completed prior to the opening of the Playland Season in spring of 2022.

Renovating a roller-coaster as old as this one won’t be cheap, and they’re estimating costs could be in excess of $750,000. The original cost of construction was $200,000.

“Doing this larger refurbishment during a quieter COVID season, combined with wanting to make sure that the Coaster is ready for the next 60+ years as a flagship attraction within the Playland Redevelopment Plan makes this the right timing,” reads a statement from the PNE.

The wooden coaster was built board by board way back in 1958. PNE states that its the number one wooden roller coaster in Canada, and ranked 12th in the world according to ElloCoaster.

PNE says that annual ridership for the coaster amounts to 500,000 riders. The coaster has a max speed of 72 km/h.

The Fair at the PNE is set to open its gates this weekend.

Amir AliAmir Ali

Amir Ali is a Staff Writer with Daily Hive, born and raised in Vancouver, BC. Amir loves writing about real estate, crime, and fun offbeat hyperlocal stories. He also loves tofu very much.

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