A parking spot for your dog? Smart dog houses set to launch soon in Vancouver

Mar 8 2023, 10:14 pm

One company is about to solve a widespread problem for pet owners in Vancouver. PetParker Canada wants to launch smart dog houses posted outside businesses where owners could safely and responsibly leave their dogs while running errands.

According to the City of Vancouver’s Animal Control Bylaws regarding tethering dogs, dogs owners are not supposed to “tie or fasten a dog to a fixed object by using a choke collar or choke chain or by tying a rope, chain, or cord directly around the dog’s neck.”

However, it’s not uncommon to see pet owners tie their dogs up outside of establishments like restaurants and grocery stores. For example, pet owners often tie up their dogs outside at my local cafe.


PetParker Canada/Supplied

Without alternatives for pet owners, you’ll even see the occasional dog inside a coffee shop while a caffeine-depleted, desperate owner scrambles to get a coffee as quickly as possible.

So these smart dog houses could be a great solution.


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According to the company, they work like this:

  1. Pet owners install a free app (both Android and iOS) where they add their pet, and confirm that their pet is current with its vaccinations and is housebroken.
  2. If the station isn’t in use, they can scan a unique QR code on the front of the station, and the door opens.
  3. Once the pet is placed inside, they close the door, and the session will start; the app will display how much time is left, the temperature inside the station and a video feed of the camera inside the station.
  4. The owner can enter the venue knowing their pet is comfortable and safe.
  5. To take the pet out, they need to scan the QR code on the front of the station, the door opens, the pet comes out, and the door can be closed. The station is now available for the following user.
  6. After the session, the user can submit feedback, including commenting on the station’s condition.
dog house

PetParker Canada/Supplied

The units are ventilated, temperature-controlled, and secure. And don’t worry about a dog getting “stuck” inside because the business they’re posted at will always have a key for emergencies.

Also, they’re free! According to the company, it expects “the use of most units will be completely free.”

The concept has been around for many years. PetParker was founded in 2018 by an engineer in 

According to the company, they are preparing for a launch in June 2023.

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