Fans brainstorm potential names and logos for a Montreal-Tampa Bay baseball team

Jun 21 2019, 8:31 pm

The baseball world has been buzzing since news broke of a potential Tampa Bay and Montreal dual-city ball team.

According to a report from ESPN, the financially-struggling Rays franchise have received permission from Major League Baseball to “explore a plan in which they would play early-season home games in the Tampa Bay area and the remainder of the year in Montreal.”

See also

Under the plan, Tampa Bay and Montreal would both get new stadiums and split home games between Florida and Quebec as a new hybrid team.

Even though the news is a nice step towards bringing baseball back to Montreal, so many dominoes would have to fall in order for it to fully come to fruition.

That didn’t stop the Internet from chiming in with potential logos, names, reactions, and jokes to the possibility of a new Tampa Bay-Montreal sister team.

Ty JadahTy Jadah

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