Man spotted belly flopping into Burrard Inlet from Lonsdale Quay's upper platform (VIDEOS)

Nov 13 2020, 2:05 am

Please don’t try this yourself — the Lonsdale Quay platforms are definitely not an urban cliff diving experience.

There is footage circling online of individuals hopping over the railing at the top platform of the “Q” outlook tower at Lonsdale Quay.

In one video posted by Reddit user Nikzral, an acquaintance of the individual counted down, before the man jumped off the platform and belly flopped into the water.

People could be heard screaming “cannonball” in the video as he took the plunge.

The height of the drop is roughly eight storeys.

As the man leapt off, a splash ripple in the water could already be seen, suggesting another individual had just jumped into the water moments ago. Twitter user @nickinvancity, who recorded a video of the incident from afar while passing through the area, also wrote that there were two individuals jumping into the water repeatedly, with the other individual doing backflips.

Fortunately, the individuals were not injured.

Daily Hive has reached out to North Vancouver RCMP and the property owners at Lonsdale Quay for comment on the highly dangerous stunt.

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