J.K. Rowling billboard taken down in Vancouver after facing backlash

Sep 13 2020, 8:41 pm

A billboard celebrating author J.K. Rowling in Vancouver was taken down after facing backlash and being condemned for its “hateful expression.”

The sign, which was visible from the East Hastings viaduct, read “I heart J.K. Rowling”.

Many were critical of the billboard, calling it “veiled transphobia,” as a result of previous comments made by Rowling in criticism of transgender people.

Rowling also wrote an essay sharing her thoughts on the matter.

Vancouver city councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung was among those condemning the presence of the billboard, saying that it was meant to “stoke hate, exclusion, and division.”

A Vancouver-based LGBTQ2+ advocate also criticized the billboard, saying that it “targets trans people.”

After much criticism, the sign was removed by Saturday afternoon after being defaced.

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