Here’s how much a pint of beer is around the world

Nov 9 2021, 9:00 pm

A cold pint of beer sounds like a refreshing way to end a long and tiresome week.

Typically, a cold one doesn’t cost more than cocktails at bars, a few dollars less in fact. That isn’t the case across the world, however, where a glass of beer might cost you an arm and a leg.

HelloSafe, a Canadian online comparison platform, put together a beer index comparing the price of a pint of beer in countries all over the world, similar to the Big Mac and Large Fries index.

From the cheapest to the most expensive and even the biggest beer-producing countries, here are some of the notable mentions on the interactive map.

If you’re looking for the country with the cheapest beer, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Ethiopia come in at $0.60, $1.04, and $1.22, respectively.

And when it comes to the most expensive, Qatar reigns top of the leader board at $15.66, the United Arab Emirates follows at $14.98, and Iceland ranks third at $13.27.

Compare that to Canada, at an average price of $5 to $6.99 per pint.

Although Germany is a big beer-producing and exporting country, they’re not the biggest in the world for doing so.

According to HelloSafe, China is the number one beer-producing country with about 40 million tons.

The United States comes in second with over 21 million tons, Brazil with around 14 million tons, and Germany with over 8 million tons.

For more beer index facts, click here.

This report was issued in November 2021.