NPA party board rejects mayoral candidate hopeful Hector Bremner

May 8 2018, 11:49 pm

After announcing in February that he was seeking the nomination of the NPA to run for mayor in Vancouver’s municipal election this fall, Hector Bremner said his bid has now been rejected by the NPA party board.

Bremner shared the news in a Facebook post on Monday night.

“Tonight the NPA Green Light Committee, mandated with screening candidates, recommended that my name move forward as one of the candidates for the mayoral nomination,” he wrote. “I was looking forward to the debate, and the wide-open democratic process.”

However, in the end, “the board rejected their advice.”

Bremner said he would have more to say on the matter, “as will the thousands of members we have signed up, our caucus, and all of the shocked members of the NPA tonight.”

Fixing the city’s housing affordability and supply crisis is at the top of Bremner’s platform priorities, along with transportation.

Bremner’s full statement is below:

Back in August when I began this journey with the NPA, when our party had 78 members, we were all so excited with our momentum, our by-election win and chance to restore this great party to a leadership position at City Hall.

Tonight, unfortunately, was more clear evidence our board has been taken over by people with another agenda.

My team has tried to do the right thing at every step to keep moving forward in a positive direction, and signed up the most members to the NPA of all of the candidates, with over 2000 suppporters.

Tonight the NPA Green Light Committee, mandated with screening candidates, recommended that my name move forward as one of the candidates for the mayoral nomination. I was looking forward to the debate, and the wide open democratic process.

The board rejected their advice.

A board that was stacked by one of the candidates, the same candidate whose supporters attacked me with false accusations that clearly the Green Light Committee rejected.

I will have more to say on this, as will the thousands of members we have signed up, our caucus, and all of the shocked members of the NPA tonight.

But, for tonight I would like to let this video speak to the lament many of us have for the democratic process. It was taken in December, when this board had removed a young volunteer, rightfully elected to the board in a shocking backroom deal.

Despite the treatment of this person, others and myself, I am proud of the commitment and humility of those who’ve stood tall in the face of all this.

Thank you to all the members of this party who have supported me and this movement.

We will Fix Vancouver.


See also
Eric ZimmerEric Zimmer

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