New online group shares information on coronavirus in BC schools

Sep 30 2020, 10:16 pm

With a number of BC schools reporting coronavirus exposure in recent weeks, a new Facebook group has now been created, with a mission of “citizen initiative for transparency of data,” when it comes to COVID-19 in schools.

In its description, the group, BC School Covid Tracker states that the idea is “to make information available, accessible and intelligible in real time to school stakeholders (parents, teachers, staff members).”

According to the group’s creators, the project “is based on the strength of collective intelligence using crowdsourcing.”

The page publishes the number of schools affected by at least one positive COVID-19 case since the schools opened their doors to students in early September.

The information “comes from the public and is validated with a copy of the letter issued by public health or the school administration,” the group states.

The list “is an evolving and non-exhaustive list,” and is updated several times a day.

Members can “submit positive COVID-19 cases in your schools, whether you are a parent, teacher or citizen,” according to the group’s description. “Submission must be sent via private message on this page and the identity of the individual sharing this information will remain anonymous.”

The group stresses that it is not looking to identify anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and that it respects those individuals’ privacy.

“We will only share the school, district and number of cases reported,” the group states. “A screen shot of the letter issued by public health and/or the school must also be provided in the message and those documents will be shared to back up the information provided.”

At the end of the day, the overall goal of the page is to offer “transparency, and provide deserved and needed information to keep our families and communities safe.”

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