"Extreme" heat from third-alarm fire in East Vancouver ruins homes (VIDEO)

Dec 17 2022, 6:09 pm

A house fire last night in East Vancouver was so intense that the structure is completely ruined ā€“ and two neighbouring homes were heavily damaged.

Vancouver Fire Rescue Services Assistant Chief Kenny Gemmill told Daily Hive there was a third-alarm fire last night around Argyle Street and East 30th Avenue.

“It was a house under construction, and it caught fire quite quickly because it hadn’t been drywalled yet,” said Gemmill.

Video shared to social media by Peter Kieser shows a massive fire climbing high into the sky in the residential neighbourhood.

“It seemed to be at the framing stage, and the heat got quite extreme where it caught the houses on each side of it on fire as well.”

Close to 13 fire-fighting apparatuses came to fight the blaze, and Gemmill said theĀ fire “escalated quickly and turned into a third alarm fire with over 46 firefighters on-scene.”

“We managed to save the structures on each side of it but not the actual house that caught fire, the one under construction,” he said.

There were no injuries reported, according to Gemmil, however, the neighbours living next door will face a difficult holiday season.

“The occupants of the neighbouring houses were not able to inhabit their homes after the fire due to extensive damage,” Gemmil said.

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