"We have a long way to go": Metro Vancouver doctor responds to online racial slurs

Mar 4 2021, 9:55 pm

A family physician in Burnaby became the victim of online racial slurs this week after appearing on a local newscast.

On Twitter, Dr. Birinder Narang shared a collection of comments that were posted, following an interview he did with the CBC’s Anita Bathe and Mike Killeen that was shared on the broadcaster’s YouTube channel.

“My initial response was, ‘here we go again,'” Narang told Daily Hive.

He explained he initially took the screenshots of the comments to show some friends and family members to seek their counsel.

“I did not want to react before processing,” he furthered. “It is easy to have emotional responses, but that isn’t enough. I realized that it is easy to get comfortable and complacent observing the current realities, also that isn’t enough.”

Narang said many people don’t realize the level of hate that can be seen in comments like these, and he saw the incident as “an opportunity to bring light to the situation.”

His decision to share the screenshots online was “made to reflect this and present it as an educational opportunity.”

His tweet received numerous responses of support, including from CBC Vancouver, BC Premier John Horgan, and Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.

“The level of outreach and support has been heartening, but my message to everyone would be, we must find a way to implement anti-racist practices into our own lives, and hold those around us accountable for their actions,” said Narang.

“We can not let the status quo remain the status quo.”

Eric ZimmerEric Zimmer

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