Canucks celebrate Lunar New Year with stunning red jerseys (PHOTOS)

Jan 13 2022, 4:59 pm

The Vancouver Canucks will celebrate the Lunar New Year with some new threads.

The Canucks will sport new red and gold warmup jerseys featuring a tiger in place of the traditional Canucks orca before their fourth annual Lunar New Year Game at Rogers Arena against the Edmonton Oilers on January 25. 

The jerseys were designed by artist Trevor Lai.

“The tiger leaping out of the water is a symbol of power, leadership and change,” Lai said in a tweet. “By transforming the Canucks’ orca into the tiger, it’s to imagine that we can become anything we want to be, including a better ally as we celebrate the Chinese community.”

The limited-edition jersey ties together elements from different Asian cultures and features a unique shoulder patch with a spectacularly redesigned logo. 

“My vision for the shoulder patch came to me as I thought of the Millennium Gate in Vancouver’s Chinatown,” Lai said in a tweet. The Canucks’ Chinese name is 加人队 (jia ren DUI), and I imagined the characters fitting into the gateway perfectly.

“The words at the top of the Millennium Gate say ‘remember the past and look forward to the future,’ and I really wanted to include that in the patch. We all want to look forward to the future, but we have to learn from our past so we can get better together.”

canucks lunar new year

Vancouver Canucks

canucks lunar new year

Vancouver Canucks

The special night will feature Lunar New Year traditions and imagery, along with cultural music and dance performances. 

The jerseys will be available for auction at, with partial proceeds from the auction to be donated to Elimin8Hate, a local community organization that advocates for racial equity and inclusive society for all Asian Canadians. 

The Year of the Tiger officially begins on February 1, lasting until January 31, 2023.

Aaron VickersAaron Vickers

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