This is the most Canadian reaction to bears ever (VIDEO)

Sep 26 2017, 4:22 am

This is clearly another ‘Only in Canada’ moment.

When a man in Sooke, BC found a mama bear and two cubs in his backyard recently, he decided to take a polite approach to his newfound furry friends.

“I need you guys to go, okay? I need you to go. Thank you. I gotta go to work,” says Jordan Cote calmly, in a video he made of the encounter.

“Hope you enjoyed my yard! Have a good day! Bye now,” he adds as the bears obediently slope off in search of pastures new.

Cote told Daily Hive he spotted the bears last Monday, on September 18, but they don’t normally venture into his yard because of his dogs.

Nevertheless, Cote said, the mother bear and cubs hung around and he decided the softer approach was best.

“At the time it was the simplest way that I could go on with my day. It was the first thing that came to mind. ‘What if I just ask them to leave?'” he said.

Judging by the bears’ easygoing exit, that mama bear is teaching her cubs some manners too. In Canada, it really is nice to be nice.

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