4 men linked to driveway “paving scheme” in Delta now in CBSA custody

Jan 23 2020, 6:41 pm

Four people who were linked to a “paving scheme,” in which they convinced homeowners to pay cash upfront to have their driveways repaved, have been arrested and are now in the custody of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).

In a release, Delta Police said the investigation began on January 19, when a resident reported that a man approached him claiming to own an asphalt company and offered him a deal on repaving his driveway.

“The resident became suspicious when he googled the company – Top Style Asphalt Contractors – and found it had no online presence, despite claims of a 25-year history,” police said.

At the same time as police were conducting this investigation, another complaint came in regarding a resident who had paid $1,500 earlier in January to have her driveway repaved. However, the work was not done at the agreed-upon date, and the contractor did not answer phone calls.

“One of our officers realized that the two files might be related,” said Delta Police spokesperson Cris Leykauf. “Based on that suspicion, she took conduct of both investigations.”

Leykauf said officers then embarked on a “comprehensive search” of the streets of North Delta, looking for the van associated with the individuals and locating it that same afternoon on 119A Street.

Four individuals were arrested and police determined they were in Canada on visitor visas. They are now in custody of the CBSA as part of an Immigration and Refugee Protection Act investigation, and may be subject to a removal order, police said.

“We’d now like to put out the message that anyone in Delta who paid upfront to have their driveway repaved by Top Style Asphalt Contractors to please contact Delta Police at 604-946-4411,” Leykauf said.

Police said it is currently unknown if Top Style Asphalt Contractors was operating in any other communities, but if so, affected residents in those communities should contact their police of jurisdiction and reference Delta Police file #2020-1376.

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