This has to be the most (adorably) Canadian apology ever made
As Canadians, we’re seriously polite as f*ck.
We’re so polite that “sorry” is not just a song by our beloved (and oh so wholesome) Ontario native Justin Bieber, it’s a part of our daily language.
Everyday, a Canadian somewhere will accidentally walk into another Canadian, and it will be that second Canadian, who got walked into, that will apologize. “I’m sorry, I was in your way.”
But that’s just who we are as a nation, and it’s why the world loves us.
And this Halifax resident proves our seriousness about being polite.
A few weeks ago, Halifax resident Cory Funk lost his wallet. And when it was returned, he tweeted a very Canadian tale.
“Hi Cory! I just found your wallet lying in a puddle on Vernon Street!,” reads a message sent to Funk. “It is safe and I’d like to give it back to you asap!”
The polite Canadian closes her message by saying, “and sorry if you would rather that I’d left it where I found it… I wasn’t sure what to do.”
Sorry I found your wallet and messaged you about it!
Awww, Canada. All the feels.
Sorry, but you have to read how adorably Canadian this is:
1/2 Thanks to @mariondavies17, who apologized for finding & returning my wallet safely, committing the most #Canadian good deed of all time.
— Cory Funk (@CoryjFunk) October 30, 2017
2/2 @mariondavies17, a complete stranger restored my faith in humanity on a wet, dreary day here in #Halifax, and I can’t thank her enough.
— Cory Funk (@CoryjFunk) October 30, 2017