Beep beep: Canada ranks as having some of the worst roads in the world

Sep 30 2022, 6:49 pm

Canada has a lot to be proud of but roads aren’t one of them, it appears.

A new study by online driver education agency Zutobi places Canada among the top 20 countries with the worst roads in the world.

Zutobi analyzed road quality, road fatalities, and the relative size of the road network among 59 countries. According to their findings, Canada has the 19th worst quality roads in the world.

Road quality in Canada has decreased more than 6% in the last five years, study shows. On top of that, there have been 4.58 road traffic fatalities per 100,000 on Canadian highways.

As bad as things may be here, it pales in comparison to Kuwait, which was named the country with the worst roads in the world.

Countries with the worst roads in the world


Rounding out the top of countries with the worst roads are Costa Rica, Georgia, Panama and New Zealand.

What countries have the best roads in the world?

According to the study, Singapore tops the list. The country has by far the highest overall road score, as it is the only nation to score higher than 9/10. The Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan and Denmark also made the top five.