Blue skies are finally visible again in Vancouver (PHOTOS)

Sep 16 2020, 12:13 am

Wildfire smoke that’s been blanketing most of BC this week appeared a little lighter in Vancouver Tuesday afternoon when some residents caught a glimpse of the sky for the first time in days.

The smoke is from wildfires burning in California, Oregon, and Washington, and has made Metro Vancouver dark, chilly, and given the region dangerous air quality ratings.

The haze appeared slightly less thick Tuesday morning compared to Monday, and by Tuesday afternoon the sun was visible again in some parts of the city.

Environment Canada still rates Metro Vancouver’s Air Quality Health Index as 9 to 10+, or “very high risk,” and the region is still under a Special Air Quality Statement. 

But we can see the mountains again for the first time in days, which is pretty exciting.

blue skies vancouver

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kits smoke

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sky again

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blue sky

Allison Irwin/Daily Hive

downtown sky

Klaryssa Pangilinan/Daily Hive

“Air quality has improved slightly overnight but ground-level smoke still remains and is expected to remain through the week,” notes Environment Canada.

“A weather system forecast for Friday may bring further improvements in air quality through the weekend. Localised smoke concentrations may vary widely across the region as winds and temperatures change, and as wildfire behaviour changes.”

For more weather anytime, check out Daily Hive’s weather page.

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