Opinion: Here's what it's really like to foster an animal from the BC SPCA

Nov 14 2023, 6:08 pm

Written for Daily Hive by BC SPCA staff: Kaila Butler, senior manager of communications; Lindsay Baker, senior manager of volunteer resources; Adrienne McBride, senior director of community animal services.

Earlier this year, the BC SPCA sounded alarm bells about the number of animals coming into its care as the organization was seeing an influx of pandemic-bred puppies turn up on its doorsteps. Those numbers have not slowed: more than 13,000 animals have come into BC SPCA’s care already this year – a 12.7% increase compared to the same period last year.

Especially when it comes to puppies or other young animals who often don’t have all their vaccinations yet, the BC SPCA relies on help from foster volunteers to support the animals’ well-being and development. Foster families have helped the BC SPCA support 5,632 animals and counting in 2023.

“Our foster families play an important role in teaching young and under-socialized animals what it’s like to live in a home. The love and consistency these animals receive in a foster home helps them feel more ready when it’s time to join their forever homes,” explains Lindsay Baker, senior manager of volunteer resources for the BC SPCA. “It’s also a great option for those who are considering adopting a pet but are not yet ready to make the lifelong commitment!”

foster animals BC SPCA


But fostering can be a big commitment! There are a few questions and “foster myths” the BC SPCA often hears before someone reaches out to apply:

Myth #1: It will be expensive for me to foster an animal.

Reality: The BC SPCA provides our foster volunteers with all the training, pet supplies, and support they need to be successful foster families.

Myth #2: Fostering an animal will take up too much of my time.

Reality: Being a foster care volunteer with the BC SPCA is a flexible opportunity allowing volunteers to choose when they are able to help – some commitments are as short as one week and others can last several months.

Myth#3: Only dogs need to be fostered.

Reality: Animals of all kinds can benefit from being in the care of a foster before they find their forever home. Foster volunteers living in apartments can make exceptional placements for a small animal or a cat to thrive.

Myth #4: Animals that need a foster home are usually really sick or have behavioural problems.

Reality: Many animals can benefit from being in a home rather than a shelter environment. That said, not all the animals in the BC SPCA’s foster program are homeless! The foster care volunteer program also supports other BC SPCA initiatives like our emergency and compassionate boarding programs.

foster animals BC SPCA


Myth #5: I am not qualified to foster because I have never owned a pet.

Reality: Although having experience with animals is definitely an asset, not all of our foster care volunteers are experienced animal caregivers. The BC SPCA ensures all of our foster animals are placed in homes that are suitable based on many factors, including the volunteer’s experience, and provides all the training and support needed to be a successful foster family.

Myth #6: I can’t be a foster because I already have other animals in my house.

Reality: While we do ask that foster animals have access to a quiet, designated space that is “theirs,” many animals really enjoy living in a home with other pets.

Did these debunked myths inspire you to become a foster volunteer with the BC SPCA? Visit the website to apply today!

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