Police face off with demonstrators blocking critical border crossing in Ontario

Feb 12 2022, 7:59 pm

As border blockades continue across Canada, demonstrators and police are facing off by Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ontario.

The group was calling for an end to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, blocking the border near Huron Church Road to bring attention to their point. 

Crucially, Ambassador Bridge connects Windsor and Detroit, making it an essential route for trade to and from the US.

Protesters had been near the bridge blocking traffic into the US for days before February 12. 

Across Ontario, demonstrators have been preparing to meet the police since Friday, when Superior Court Chief Justice Geoffrey B. Morawetz granted an injunction demanding they clear the bridge.

In response, RCMP reinforcements, including officers in military-style gear, arrived near the exit to the border around 9 am to a group of around 100 people.

Nevertheless, in videos from the scene from social media, attendees played music, shouted “Freedom,” and waved Canadian flags.

But when police warned them in the morning they would be arrested if they didn’t leave, the attendance only grew.

They also warned them their vehicles may be towed and they could be fined for their participation.

Police formed a long line separating the demonstrators from cop cars and emergency vehicles. As of the afternoon on February 12, they had made no arrests.

At the February 12 protest, police handed out flyers reminding people of the repercussions that come with violating the province’s state of emergency declaration. It noted it’s illegal to block the movement of goods, people, and services along critical infrastructure routes, and outlined the fines and sentences for doing so.

Aly LaubeAly Laube

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