Five more TTC employees test positive for coronavirus

May 11 2020, 7:49 pm

Five more TTC employees have tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the total to 41 cases, with 188 staff in self-isolation, the transit commission confirmed.

According to the transit union, ATU Local 113, one of the new cases is a bus operator from the Eglinton division.

The employee’s last shift was on Friday, April 24, then he developed symptoms on Tuesday, April 28, and tested positive for coronavirus on Friday.

The four other employees to contract the virus include: a bus operator at Arrow, a subway operator at Wilson, a bus operator at Mount Dennis, and a fare inspector working out of Leslie Barns.

The TTC said it has strict protocols in place for when an employee tests positive.

According to the transit commission, once they are notified of a positive diagnosis, they “immediately” engage with Toronto Public Health to investigate and decide on the next steps, including notifying those who may need to take additional actions.

“At every location, we take action to ensure enhanced cleaning measures as recommended by public health officials, such as additional surface cleaning in frequently accessed areas, are undertaken as soon as possible,” the TTC said.

As there is community spread of coronavirus in the city, Toronto Public Health is asking all individuals who have symptoms to self-isolate at home for 14 days from when the symptoms begin and to call Telehealth Ontario, their local public health department or health care provider, and for TTC employees to call the transit system’s Occupational Health and Safety Department.

To date, of the 41 employees to test positive for the virus, 12 employees have returned to work.

On April 23, the TTC announced temporary layoffs of 1,200 employees as ridership decreased by 85% during the pandemic, affecting service routes beginning May 10.

The TTC has also mandated physical distancing on buses by sectioning off seating on vehicles and placing vinyl barriers on buses to protect operators.

Clarrie FeinsteinClarrie Feinstein

Clarrie is a former Daily Hive Toronto Staff Writer.

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