TTC confirms cell service is coming to subway tunnels in 2017

Jan 12 2017, 10:40 pm

It’s about to get a lot louder on the TTC.

Namely because many of those people who are usually found quietly listening to their headphones will soon be able to make and answer phone calls in between stations.

Speaking with TTC spokesperson Milly Bernal, Daily Hive has learned that the introduction of cell phone service throughout the TTC will take place over 2017.

Currently, Bernal confirms this option is already being tested between Wellesley and Queen but the aim is to roll it out across all lines within the next 12 months. As of right now, only Freedom Mobile (formerly WIND) is signed up with BAI Canada but the service is now open for all service providers to sign up to have their cell service available for their customers on the TTC. Presumably it won’t be long until the big boys – Bell, Rogers, Telus – have everyone talking on the trains.

Wi-Fi at the stations and cell phone service in between will be a daydream for some and a nightmare for others.

It’s up to you to make the call. Literally.

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