Snow is in Toronto's forecast again this weekend

Jan 21 2020, 6:49 pm

It may only be Tuesday, but we know you’re already looking ahead to the weekend.

And if you’re in the midst of making Saturday night plans, you’d best take note that the forecast is calling for snow — yet again.

While it’ll be no record-breaking snowfall like last weekend saw, Saturday and Sunday are showing snow and scattered flurries, respectively, according to The Weather Network.

On Saturday, up to 5 cm of accumulation is expected, while Sunday calls for less than 1 cm. So, it’s not much, but it is something — which will only add to the city’s already high percentage of snowfall for where we’re at in the season.

The Weather Network

The week ahead, from Wednesday, will see temperatures levelling out at 1°C across the board, with the exception of a little jump up to 2°C on Thursday.

The wind chill will remain tame, too, bouncing between feeling like -4°C and -2°C, again, with a warmer Thursday feeling of 1°C.

Sandwiching the snowy weekend, both Friday and Monday show a mix of sun and cloud — so make sure you get outside those days to soak up a little vitamin D.

Kayla GladyszKayla Gladysz

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