You must clear your sidewalk within 12 hours of snowfall to avoid a fine in Toronto

Jan 20 2020, 2:33 pm

It is winter in Toronto.

And that means snow.

While the City of Toronto has active plows and snow removing services throughout snowstorms, residents have the responsibility to clear snow on their properties.

“The city provides mechanical sidewalk snow clearing in most parts of Toronto, however in the downtown core the city is unable to provide this service,” states the city’s website.

“Business and property owners are responsible for ensuring that all ice and snow is cleared on sidewalks, driveways, parking spaces, steps, ramps, and landings within 12 hours of snowfall to provide safe access for people and vehicles.”

Clearing the ice and snow from the sidewalk in front of your home or business will make it safer for everyone, and will help you avoid a hefty fine.

According to the City of Toronto, the fine for not clearing snow from private property is $455 plus a $115 surcharge, for a total of $570.

As well, the fine for not clearing snow from public property is $100 plus $25 surcharge, for a total of $125, as per the city’s Snow and Ice Clearing Bylaw.

“When the city is not able to clear public sidewalks within 12 hours of snowfall, property owners are responsible to clear public sidewalks adjacent to their property within 12 hours of snowfall,” the city states on its website.

So be a good neighbour and get that shovel out.

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