Some companies have let their employees skip work to watch the Raptors parade

Jun 17 2019, 8:13 pm

After dubbing today, June 17, “We The North Day,” Mayor John Tory has publicly encouraged employers to let their employees skip work to watch the Raptors parade.

And a handful have followed suit.

In an interview with CP24, Tory said that he had learned of a law firm where so many staff were planning to watch the parade, management decided to simply close the office for the day.

See also

Additionally, Sobeys’ has given their Toronto office employees a paid day off to attend victory parade. Grocery store and warehouse employees across the city have been chosen by management to go out and enjoy the party, too.

According to Twitter, there are plenty of businesses getting into the spirit by giving staff the all-clear to cut loose on a Monday morning.

As Tory notes in his interview, those that get to enjoy the celebrations are likely to work harder when they get back to the office.

So it’s a win-win… win.

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