This pasta bar is offering pink heart-shaped ravioli for Valentine's Day

Jan 28 2019, 11:25 pm

This pasta bar just sorted out all your Valentine’s dinner grievances.

Whether you can’t cook and were stressed about burning water, or you can cook but couldn’t decide what to make, this pink heart-shaped ravioli is here for you. And your beloved.

Pasta Mondo will be offering these romantic carbohydrates at both the University Avenue and St. Clair West locations on February 4, and you can enjoy them in-house or take them home to prep yourself.

See also

If you opt for the in-house option, you pick your size, select your choice of sauce and cheese, and then customize the dish with fresh vegetable and protein toppings. Dinner will range from $6.99 to $27.99, with sizes ranging from small to Family Size.

A take-home box goes for $11.99 and serves four (or seconds for two people, let’s be real). Add homemade Pasta Mondo Sauce for a total of $19.99.

You can’t really beat a V-Day dinner that’s infused with cheese and love for $20.

via Fervid / Pasta Mondo

And for the last-minuters, the special dish will be available on UberEATS too. So you can order it for yourself, send it to a loved one, or share it romantically from the comfort of the couch.

Pasta Mondo

Where:Ā 525 University Avenue and 55 St. Clair Avenue West
When: Monday, February 4, 2019


Kayla GladyszKayla Gladysz

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