This is what Toronto's Ontario Line will sound like once it's complete

Sep 27 2021, 4:35 pm

The Ontario Line subway may still be many years away from completion, but Metrolinx is already preparing residents for what the upcoming transit line will sound like.

New technology has allowed Metrolinx to create videos simulating the sound of passing Ontario Line trains, giving residents the chance to compare current noise levels to what they can expect when the line opens.

“The technology is very similar to surround sound,” said Maria Zintchenko, a project manager at Metrolinx. “You will hear the sound of an individual train – a GO train and an Ontario Line train moving behind the future noise walls.”

According to Metrolinx, this is believed to be the first time that an immersive sound demonstration of this kind has been used in Canada.

The simulations show sound comparisons at four different locations along the future line:

  • The intersection of De Grassi and Queen, from the Bonjour Brioche restaurant
  • Bruce Mackey Park at Wardell Street, south of Cummings
  • The corner of Paisley and Booth, at the very north end of Jimmie Simpson Park
  • First Avenue on its east end

Metrolinx is working on additional sound demonstrations at Jimmie Simpson Park and Tiverton Parkette, which will be released to the public in the coming weeks.

The four available simulations can be listened to here.