It's going to feel like 20°C in Toronto this afternoon

Nov 7 2020, 4:18 pm

Although Toronto has already seen its first snowfall, and holiday decorations have begun to take over, it’s going to feel like summer in the city today.

According to Environment Canada, temperatures will reach 20°C this afternoon. It’s warm weather Ontario has never experienced in November before.

Temperatures in the city are expected to rise to 18°C around noon, but will peak at 20°C at 1pm. They’ll dip back down to 19°C at 2pm, and will hover around 16 °C well into the evening.

Toronto weather

Environment Canada

On Friday, Toronto broke a 45-year-old temperature record with a high of 19°C.

Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. According to Environment Canada, rain is expected to bring back more seasonal temperatures beginning Tuesday night.

Zoe DemarcoZoe Demarco

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