Toronto broke a 45-year-old temperature record today

Nov 6 2020, 8:36 pm

Remember when it snowed last week? We don’t either.

Torontonians have a few things to celebrate in the coming days with warm record-breaking temperatures and sunshine lasting all weekend long.

As Friday hits a blissful 19°C, the city breaks a daily-high record previously set in 1975 when Environment Canada reported a daytime high of 18.9°C.


toronto weather

Environment Canada

A welcomed departure from the near-blizzard the city experienced last week, and average seasonal temperatures between 0.9°C and 9.1°C, according to Environment Canada, daytime averages over the next seven days are reminiscent of late spring. 

Toronto weather

Environment Canada

Enjoy it while you can, because the end of next week is projected to return to seasonal temperatures hovering between 7°C and 10°C.

Kamille CoppinKamille Coppin

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