A raccoon caused a TTC delay earlier today

Nov 21 2018, 5:46 am

There was a slight delay on the TTC Tuesday afternoon, but the reason was too cute to get upset over.

Line 1 northbound from Eglinton to Finch experienced a delay due to a curious trash panda making its way onto the subway tracks.

Just after 1:30 pm, the TTC tweeted that delays of up to 15 minutes could be expected due to the raccoon walking at track level.

And just after 2 pm, TTC staff said the raccoon was clear from the tracks and regular service had resumed.

And while this isn’t the first time Toronto’s unofficial mascot has had a run in with the TTC, it seems like commuters weren’t too upset over today’s minor delay.

See also

Ainsley SmithAinsley Smith

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