People are slipping all over Toronto as freezing rain slicks roads and sidewalks with ice

Jan 17 2023, 7:26 pm

Do yourself a favour and steer clear of any unsalted surfaces in Toronto right now ā€” unless, of course, you enjoy things like pain, embarrassment and big ol’ bruises.

A freezing rain warning issued by Environment and Climate Change Canada on Monday in advance of this morning’s icy commute has now been cancelled for Toronto, but the weather outside remains pretty nasty.

The sun has all but disappeared again after an all-too-brief little visit, which sucks, and collision reports from roads in and around the city suggest that conditions are dangerous, too.

Hazards lurk everywhere during periods of bad winter weather…

“Heads up, Toronto. Freezing rain is expected this morning. Roads, bikeways and sidewalks may become icy and slippery,” warned the City of Toronto just before 9 am on Tuesday.

“Slow down if driving and keep a safe distance from the #CityofTO’s anti-icing vehicles.”

It’s not a good time to be driving, but walking appears to be just as hazardous.

Getting to work or school on foot has been challenging for many today, based on Twitter activity, thanks to slick surfaces.

School buses have been cancelled in most parts of the region, but kids who can get to class still have to contend with icy playgrounds and parking lots.

Some people are having fun with theĀ slippery, slidey sidewalks…

Others, not so much.

While today’s spat of freezing rain (and incoming snow) may leave behind some bruised butts and smashed bumpers, it could always be worse. Last year at this time, the city came to a complete standstill as a freak blizzard dumped some 55 cm of snow upon Toronto.

Lauren O'NeilLauren O'Neil

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