Ontario reporting another drop in new coronavirus cases

Jul 28 2020, 2:26 pm

The Province of Ontario confirmed there are 111 new known COVID-19 cases on Tuesday morning, with four more deaths.

This is down slightly from Monday’s 119 new cases, as well as Sunday’s 137 new cases, as and the 138 cases announced Saturday.

According to Health Minister Christine Elliot, 27 of the 34 Public Health Units are reporting five or fewer cases, with 16 of them reporting no new cases.

“Ottawa is reporting 25 cases with 22 more cases in Windsor-Essex. There are only six new cases reported in Toronto,” said Elliot.

So far in Ontario there have been 38,910 cases of the coronavirus with 34,567 cases (88.8%) resolved.

Hospitalizations currently sit at 96, with patients in the ICU at 31 and 18 on currently on ventilators.

Province of Ontario

The province reports conducting 17,334 tests since Monday, with a total of 2,086,955 completed since the pandemic began.

Of these cases 5,885 are reported to be in long-term care residents.

Primer Doug Ford is expected to make an announcement on Wednesday on the remaining regions entering Stage 3 of the economic reopening.

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