Ontario's fall forecast for 2024 has arrived and here's what to expect

Jul 22 2024, 6:30 pm

Ontario’s summer weather has been a combination of scorching temperatures and heavy rainfall — but according to the province’s fall forecast for 2024, the turbulent weather might be coming to a stop very soon.

The Farmers Almanac Extended Fall Forecast for 2024 predicts “fair and dry” conditions for Ontario on Thanksgiving, which falls on October 14 this year.

The same can’t be said about other provinces, including the Prairies and British Columbia, which are expected to see showery and wet conditions on the holiday.

Other provinces can also expect some spooky and soggy weather just in time for Halloween, but it’s looking like Ontario will be one of the areas with the best chances for fair weather in the country.

“More of a treat as opposed to a trick: generally dry weather should arrive in time for Halloween,” the Ontario forecast reads.

Despite this, Ontario residents can expect a rather wet start to the autumn season. In September 2024, the forecast predicts that rainfall will be near to above average from southern Ontario eastward to the Maritimes.

Still, autumn temperatures are forecasted to be warmer than normal from the Atlantic Coast westward across the central provinces. Although we may see some heavier precipitation, it looks like the mild temperatures will make up for it.

The official start of fall is still two months away, meaning there’s still plenty of time for things to change. However, as it stands now, it appears as though Ontario is (thankfully) in for some pretty tolerable weather throughout the season.

Kimia Afshar MehrabiKimia Afshar Mehrabi

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