Ontario's "comprehensive" back-to-school plan to be revealed next week

Jul 29 2021, 7:34 pm

Premier Doug Ford has said that Ontario’s back-to-school plan will be revealed early next week.

Ford made the comments during a visit to Thunder Bay on Wednesday, where he met with community leaders and wildfire evacuees.

“The minister is going to be coming out early next week and rolling out that plan. It’s a very comprehensive plan,” Ford said.

“We’re making sure that we increase the protocols and make sure the two million kids that are going back to school are going to be safe, as well as the teachers.”

The premier did not provide much detail on what the plan would entail, but did note that it would ensure schools have proper ventilation and that HEPA filters are changed.

Having “adequate” ventilation was one of the COVID-19 Science Advisory Table’s recommendations for the safe return to school.

Ford said he has “all the confidence in the world” that the province will be ready to have kids in class come fall.

“The kids need to get back to school, they want to get back to school, and the parents want them back in school,” Ford said.

“So we’ll make sure they’re back in school at the beginning of September.”

During a press conference on July 27, Ontario’s chief medical officer of health urged students to get vaccinated against COVID-19 before September.

Dr. Kieran Moore said that the province is aiming for a “conservative, safe opening” of schools that includes a considerable amount of prevention.

Moore also revealed that in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak in a school, there will be separate measures applied to vaccinated and un-vaccinated students.

If they test negative for the virus after having contact with a case, immunized individuals will be able to stay in school and participate in activities.

Students who have not been vaccinated, though, will be out of class for a minimum of 10 days and will be subject to at least two COVID-19 tests.

Zoe DemarcoZoe Demarco

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