These are the only valid exemptions to Ontario's vaccine certificate

Sep 8 2021, 8:21 pm

Ontario will only accept a narrow range of medical exemptions for its forthcoming vaccine certificate program, the Ministry of Health confirmed to Daily Hive.

The only valid medical exemptions considered will be contraindications to vaccination listed on the vaccine’s information sheet.

Right now, there are only two acceptable medical exemptions:

  • An allergy to an ingredient in the vaccine
  • Developing myocarditis or pericarditis (a rare side effect) following a first dose

Anyone who has other objections to getting vaccinated won’t get a pass to dine indoors at restaurants, go to the cinema, or work out at a gym.

Until Ontario rolls out its digital immunization certificates in October, people with medical exemptions will need to show a doctor’s note along with a government-issued photo ID to enter spaces where vaccine certificate rules are in effect.

Once the QR codes and government0distributed app are rolled out, people with one of the two medical exemptions will receive a QR code that will indicate they’re allowed into events and other indoor spaces.

“The government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, will continue to review the evidence and data and make adjustments as needed,” Ministry of Health spokesperson David Jensen told Daily Hive.

Children under 12 are exempt from the vaccine certificate program entirely because they are not yet eligible to be immunized.

Ontario’s vaccine certificate program takes effect on September 22.

Megan DevlinMegan Devlin

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