Less than half of TTC staff have provided their vaccination status

Sep 22 2021, 2:07 pm

The TTC has extended their proof of vaccination deadline for staff after only 50% provided documentation by the original deadline of September 20.

The vaccine policy was announced by the TTC on September 7. That same day, the TTC union told its members to refuse to provide the documentation.

“Whether vaccinated or not, we are asking all members to not disclose any private medical information to the TTC,” the statement from ATU Local 113 President Carlos Santos reads. “ATU Local 113 opposes this policy, and we will fight to defend your right to make your own personal health decisions and protect your private medical information.”

As of September 21, a TTC spokesperson shared on social media that they had vaccination status from nearly 50% of TTC staff.

“As of this morning, we’re nearing 50 percent of active #TTC employees who’ve provided vax status,” Stuart Green tweeted.

He also shared that the original deadline to provide vaccination status had been extended to September 30.

Of those who submitted their vaccine status, 93% had been fully vaccinated and 7% had received their first dose.

If TTC staff don’t provide their vaccine status, they will have to undergo an education course on the benefits of vaccination and get fully vaccinated by October 30.

The CEO of TTC said in a statement that he stands by the decision to mandate vaccines for TTC staff.

“The TTC’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy is the right thing to do for everyone and is an important step for us as we work together to bring this pandemic to an end,” Richard Leary’s statement said.

The COVID-19 vaccine policy applies to contractors and is a pre-condition for employment.

Brooke TaylorBrooke Taylor

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