A massive and invasive species of spider could make its way into Canada

Dec 26 2023, 5:18 pm

Gigantic and brightly-coloured spiders are spreading across the eastern United States and could be on their way to Canada, according to new reports.

Joro spiders, a spider native to areas in China, Taiwan, and Japan, is a type of orb-weaver spider with black and yellow stripes that can get up to eight inches long. If their massive size and intimidating looks weren’t enough, they can also (kind of) fly.

The spiders have a way of moving through air called “ballooning,” where they let out silk that gets caught in a breeze, allowing them to be lifted and carried long distances. It’s something that many spiders do, but it’s also one way these behemoth spiders have quickly spread across the eastern United States.

The invasive species was first spotted in 2013 in Georgia and has since spread to other regions, as far north as Washington DC. While there haven’t been any sightings in Canada, models are predicting that we should prepare for their arrival, the National Post reports.

It’s likely that the spiders came to North America via a cargo ship.

Despite their behemoth size, Joro spiders are basically harmless to humans and pets. Their jaws cannot pierce human skin, and they only kill small insects. So, while they look extra-intimidating, at least they’re not dangerous!

It’s also too soon to tell what their impact will be on local wildlife, but researchers noted that they have been replacing some of the bigger spiders in Georgia. If the spiders manage to cross the border, researchers say it’ll be difficult to control their spread.

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Allison StephenAllison Stephen

Allison Stephen is an Edmonton-based writer.

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