Ford's "famous premier's cheesecake" inspires dessert donations in GTA

May 21 2020, 5:29 pm

Following Premier Doug Ford’s reveal of his “famous” cherry cheesecake recipe, one local foodie was inspired to recreate — and then donate — the dessert.

Suman Ali Sayed tells Daily Hive that, as a food-lover and professional chef in Toronto, the video-gone-viral caught her attention.

Inspired by the video, Sayed crafted her own version of the cake and shared the process on her YouTube channel.

You can check out the play-by-play below:

But Sayed didn’t stop at this one act of kitchen creativity.

The chef went on to make several batches of the now-iconic dessert, packaged the treats into serving-sized containers, and donated them to The Wellington Square Food Bank in Burlington, and Eden Food for Change, in Mississauga.

Suman Ali Sayed

When sharing her endeavour with Daily Hive, Sayed said that her purpose she hoped to “encourage people to do more small donations in their local community.”

Kayla GladyszKayla Gladysz

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