Take a Divine Dessert Tasting Tour through Toronto next week

Oct 25 2019, 3:48 pm

It’s getting colder, which means it’s high time to take all those moments you used to spend basking in the sun, and replace them with moments filling your face with comfort food.

Enter: a Divine Dessert Tasting Tour.

Truly, what better way is there to welcome warmth back into your bod than by tucking into some sweet, luxurious, and carby treats?

At the upcoming dessert tasting tour, led by Lusine of Bare Holistics, you’ll be able to snack on some of the city’s snazziest sweets while learning about dessert can be a guilt-free experience.

Starting at the corner of Queen West and Gore Vale Avenue, the tour will highlight options made with only the highest quality ingredients. Previous tours have stopped into spots like NĆ¼gateau, Queen West’s specialty shop for gorgeous eclairs.

Tickets for the event are availableĀ onlineĀ for $87, and will include tastings of various sweets and treats, plus teachings about the history of some of the city’s favourite desserts.

The experience will also focus on the importance of mindful eating, which will allow you to enjoy every bite of your treat.

Because, as the event’s description reads, “The secret to delicious desserts lies in the ingredients, and in the way you eat them.”

NĆ¼gateau / Instagram

Divine Dessert Tasting Tour

Where:Ā Starting at the corner of Queen West and Gore Vale Avenue
When: November 1 from 6 pm to 8 pm
Tickets: $87, availableĀ online


Kayla GladyszKayla Gladysz

+ Dished
+ Desserts
+ Food Events