Pornhub offering free premium memberships to help flatten the curve

Mar 25 2020, 7:24 pm

Pornhub is encouraging Americans to stay home and help flatten the curve of COVID-19 by offering free premium membership service.

That’s right, everyone’s favorite website is helping everyone, as the free membership deal is being offered globally.

According to Pornhub, visiting the site is currently a daily routine for more than 120 million people around the world. But with most people self-isolating, working from home, and not going outside, more and more people are now on Pornhub…naturally.

After isolation efforts in North America, Pornhub’s insights found visitors from the United States and Canada were staying at home and logging into the site.

Traffic from the US (Pornhub’s largest market) was up 6.4% on March 17. Compare this to the 60% jump of traffic in Spain, and it’s clear Americans aren’t isolating enough.

And now, Americans who agree to self-isolate can get their free premium memberships.

Just like that.

Just be sure to wash your hands.

Daily Hive StaffDaily Hive Staff

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