CDC shares tips on surviving a zombie apocalypse

Mar 4 2021, 7:04 pm

In case a pandemic wasn’t enough for you to worry about, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have added a guide on Zombie Preparedness to their website.

The CDC had previously offered guidance about a possible future zombie apocalypse in 2011, during the hype of the popular TV show, The Walking Dead.

This year they’ve updated their pages to reflect new issues that could arise. The reasoning for the update? According to the Annual Horoscope, 2021 could mark the rise of the living dead.

According to the CDC, Americans should be preparing for the possibility of a zombie apocalypse just as you would for any other disaster.

“As it turns out, what first began as a tongue-in-cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to be a very effective platform,” reads the CDC zombie apocalypse webpage. “We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via “zombie preparedness.”

According to the CDC experts, the first thing you need to do is prepare an emergency kit.


The kit should include things such as water, food, and other supplies to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp. It would also buy you some time in the event of a natural disaster.

Once you’ve made your emergency kit, the CDC recommends that families gather together to come up with an emergency plan. You can also implement this plan if there is a flood, earthquake, or another emergency.

The CDC also assures citizens that if zombies were to start roaming the streets, they would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. They would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation, including consultations, lab testing, analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts, and infection control.

To learn more about how the CDC prepares for emergencies of all kinds, visit their website.

Alyssa TherrienAlyssa Therrien

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