Here’s what Americans are buying online while in isolation

May 25 2020, 7:14 pm

Some of us are doing a lot of shopping while stuck at home and thanks to Stackline, we can see what people are buying.

With data collection, we can now see what folks think they “need” now that isolation and self-quarantine is considered to be a best practice.

Stackline defines (thanks to data) what the 100 rising e-commerce trends in items or categories are, as well as what has seen a large decline since the pandemic arrived on our doorsteps.

Interestingly, Americans seem to have shifted to self-reliance a whole lot more, as items like weights and workout gear skyrocket up the trending lists. Landing at the number two spot, bread makers have made a huge surge, as we seek easier and cheaper ways to cut down on grocery necessities, and situations where we must leave the house.

Things like hair dye (with most salons closed), and desks for working from home are climbing up the charts, while items that have a lot to do with travel and the outdoors are feeling the G-forces from a steep fall.

Cameras, luggage, party supplies, and more continue to lose sales as Americans avoid traveling and gatherings. In addition, with a mass closure of resources, bridal and wedding items have fallen to the number five most impacted category of e-c0mmerce as couples all over the world scramble to replan, or re-schedule their weddings.

For a closer look at the entire 100 up and 100 down list, check out the graphic made by Stackline.