Portland protesters say police used violence minutes after taking a knee with them

Jun 1 2020, 10:17 pm

Social media posts are circulating to celebrate the Portland Police Bureau, who took a knee with protesters on Sunday as a show of solidarity. However, many who were at the protest are claiming that the police force used violence and gas “minutes after the photo op.”

Protesters are taking to the street in droves after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis this time last week. This weekend saw day after day of unrest and protests in Portland, prompting the mayor to declare a state of emergency with a city-wide curfew and plead with the governor of the state to send in the National Guard.

Shortly after the stories surfaced depicting the act of solidarity by the police, protesters began shedding their own light on the situation.

Daily Hive contacted the Portland Police Bureau for comment but did not hear back by time of publication. 

Wyatt FossettWyatt Fossett

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