Montreal police seek public's help identifying sexual assault suspect

Nov 12 2020, 6:26 pm

Montreal police are setting up two mobile command posts on Mont-Royal on Thursday, hoping to catch a suspect in a sexual assault attack that took place in September.

According to the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), a man, presumed to be between the ages of 25 and 30, grabbed a woman in in the Mont-Royal Cemetery on September 28 at around 8:30 pm.

The suspect attempted to lure the woman into a wooded area of the cemetery before the victim protected herself and fled the scene. She was unable to identify the man but helped describe the man, resulting in a composite sketch.

According to the SPVM, the suspect is tall and thin with short, dark, glossy, and combed-forward hair. He has thin sideburns and a short beard.

At the time of the attack, the man was wearing round-rim glasses, a long black-sleeved shirt, fitted jeans, and a long silver chain.

One of the command posts will be set up in front of the SPVM cavalry building on Camillien-Houde Road, and the other will be stationed between Mont-Royal Est and Avenue and Camillien-Houde.

Individuals with information surrounding the case are urged to come to either post or contact the SPVM directly.

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