Priest stabbed at Saint Joseph's Oratory during Friday morning mass

Mar 22 2019, 9:09 pm

A priest was stabbed at Saint Joseph’s Oratory during today’s Friday morning mass.

According to a voice message on the phone inbox of Caroline Chèvrefils, a media relations officer for the SPVM, a man entered the church at 8:40 am and attacked Father Claude Grou.

See also

Chèvrefils says the priest was “assaulted with a weapon” and after receiving the 911 call, Montreal police arrived to see the male already detained by the church’s security services.

Father Grou was transported to the hospital via ambulance and is being treated for what SPVM spokesperson Chèvrefils calls “light injuries on his upper body.”  The suspect was transported to a Montreal police station for questioning.

The mass had been streaming live on the church’s Facebook feed, which occurs for daily masses, but the video has since been removed from the site.

Ty JadahTy Jadah

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