Over 1,640 Quebec schools have at least one positive coronavirus case

Nov 5 2020, 3:52 pm

The Quebec government is reporting that there are now 1,642 schools across the province with at least one positive COVID-19 case.

The numbers unveiled by the province’s education board consist of pre-school, elementary, high school, and trade schools throughout Quebec.

If a case is identified, the school is expected to notify students’ parents with health guidelines and instructions on whether or not the student should stay home.

The number of confirmed cases within Quebec schools now totals 8,129 between staff and students. According to Quebec’s Réseau scolaire public et privé, there are currently 2,410 active cases. The majority of cases have been in public schools, at 1,922, and 337 in the private sector.

Since the start of the school year, 6,483 students and 1,646 teachers have been diagnosed with the virus, according to the government.

As a result, 871 classes have been cancelled across the province since September’s start date.

Quebec public health says it has committed to providing daily updates of school infections.

“We understand parents’ concerns and we want to be there to reassure them,” said Health Minister Christian Dubé at the beginning of September. “We hope this tool will allow the population, and more particularly parents, to get a current portrait of the entire situation.”

The government reports that 5,719 students and staff have fully recovered from the virus and returned to class.

The full list of infected Quebec schools, as of Tuesday, November 3, can be found here.

Ty JadahTy Jadah

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