Quebec reports 11th consecutive day with over 20 new COVID-19 deaths

Feb 10 2022, 4:23 pm

Since reporting its lowest daily COVID-19 case count of 2022 on Monday, Quebec has reported nearly 3,000 new COVID-19 cases and 35 additional deaths on Thursday.

According to the Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux, 2,894 new cases have been added to the provincial total over the past 24 hours.

Since March 2020, there have been 891,951 total cases and 13,617 deaths in the province.

As of Thursday morning, there are 2,312 hospitalizations across the province, 173 of which are in intensive care. Since Tuesday, hospitalizations have decreased by 36, and ICU numbers have increased by two.

Over the past day, 32,756 COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the province. Since December 2020, a total of 18,094,139 total vaccines have been distributed in Quebec.

COVID-19 variant data can be found on the website of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec.

On Tuesday, Quebec unveiled details about its February reopening plan, including removing the maximum capacity on private gatherings, which is scheduled to go into effect this weekend.

Quebec Premier François Legault announced that as of February 14, competitive sports could resume and restaurants could increase customer capacity to ten people per table.

The following week (February 21), all businesses can function at 100%, except bars, taverns, and casinos, which will function at 50% when they’re permitted to reopen on February 28.

Legault says that the government will reassess its reopening plan by March 14, when dancing and singing will be allowed in the province and bars can function at 100%. The premier says, as of now, the mask mandate and COVID-19 vaccine passport system will remain.

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